Genetic Testing

REVIV Genetics is the most accurate DNA testing available today at 99.97%.
We’re also the only company to provide a personal follow-up consultation to make sure you get the most from your results.
Worried about your privacy? Don’t be. All DNA samples are destroyed, all results are kept on secure encrypted servers and, most importantly, we don’t sell any data to third parties.

Beauty Analysis
Our Beauty analysis is one of the most comprehensive analyses available on the market. Our genes code for proteins, the building blocks of the body. The most abundant protein in the body is collagen, a crucial element in how our skin appears and keeps the skin looking youthful and healthy.
We analyze the genes involved in collagen breakdown and formation specifically to determine the ability of your body to maintain its youthful appearance. Also analyzed are UV protection, inflammatory responses, collagen metabolism and detoxification.
This analysis couples the most successful scientific and effective preventative methods to allow you to slow down your aging processes and enhance your beauty outcomes.

Sports and Nutrition
Our Sports & Nutrition analysis explores your genetic variations for athletic performance and talent, allowing you to determine the best way to reach your optimal abilities.
We assess the genes for the different types of muscle fibres and determine whether you have a genetic disposition leaning towards strength and power activities or endurance-focused activities.
Additionally this analysis looks at how the body reacts to inflammation and injury, helping determine the best ways to heal and recover following heavy training or injury and determine whether the body is adequate at detoxifying following training sessions.
We combine this analysis with assessment of specific nutrition genes and from this information we can determine the best performance enhancing foods for an individual with over 1000 foods assessed.

Beauty Weight and Nutrition
Our Beauty analysis is one of the most comprehensive analyses available on the market. Our genes code for proteins, the building blocks of the body. The most abundant protein in the body is collagen, a crucial element in how our skin appears and keeps the skin looking youthful and healthy. We analyze the genes involved in collagen breakdown and formation specifically to determine the ability of your body to maintain its youthful appearance. Also analyzed are UV protection, inflammatory responses, collagen metabolism and detoxification.
This analysis couples the most successful scientific and effective preventative methods to allow you to slow down your aging processes and enhance your beauty outcomes.
The Weight analysis will reveal whether you are more likely to gain weight from carbohydrates or fats, your ability to feel full or hungry, even how likely your body is to yo-yo between periods of dieting. This information, alongside a list of over 1000 different foods, provides you with the accurate and vital information you need to help reach or maintain your ideal weight.
Our Nutrition analysis shows how your genetics affect the way your body absorbs, converts and utilizes certain nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc) and food ingredients. With this knowledge, we can determine your individual nutritional requirement for specific body systems, and provide you with a detailed and specific individual recommended daily allowance for all the nutrients.

Health Weight and Nutrition
Our Health analysis examines our genetic risk of developing conditions such as diabetes and cancer. Genes do not change, but having the genes that code for a disease does not necessarily mean you will get it, many disease-risk genes that require lifestyle factors to activate them.
Being aware of a genetic predisposition to a condition can be very valuable, as when these genes are analyzed alongside nutrition specific genes, a comprehensive and effective preventative health plan can be determined to enable you to remain healthy.
The Weight analysis will reveal whether you are more likely to gain weight from carbohydrates or fats, your ability to feel full or hungry, even how likely your body is to yo-yo between periods of dieting. This information, alongside a list of over 1000 different foods, provides you with the accurate and vital information you need to help reach or maintain your ideal weight.
Our Nutrition analysis shows how your genetics affect the way your body absorbs, converts and utilizes certain nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc) and food ingredients. With this knowledge, we can determine your individual nutritional requirement for specific body systems, and provide you with a detailed and specific individual recommended daily allowance for all the nutrients.